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investor teaser/one-pager

Make a Compelling First Impression

A professionally-designed and well-written investor one-pager/teaser is an important part of your investor marketing collateral. It is the very first document prospective investors read before your pitch deck. It needs to succinctly and directly address what your company does, your value proposition, growth strategy, and team value-add.   

  • Professionally-written and designed
  • Includes key investment highlights and company milestones
  • Depicts high-level proforma P&L
  • Acts as preview/summary of your pitch deck


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Why do I need a professionally-written one-pager?

  • It is the first impression an investor receives when learning about your company - make every interaction with investors count
  • Prospective investors are flooded with one-pagers and decks on a daily basis - make yours stand out
  • You want to get readers hooked and excited enough to have a call/meeting and/or request your pitch deck

What makes a one-pager great?

  • Ability to communicate key points directly and succinctly 
  • Having less is more, keep sentences simple
  • Addresses initial questions any reader would have about your business and/or product/service

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